All that counts is that they're important to you
Despite having been around for over a decade, I haven't left a lot of footprints in terms of shrines. This is mostly due to lack of self-confidence in my writing, so while I've started on sites, most of them have never seen the light of day. However, I'm hoping to expand this section with more active sites along the way!
Cheerful Sensibility
Site type: One Page character tribute
Online since: September 08th, 2009
Although not my first attempt, this website is my first successful attempt at a shrine, dedicated to Sohma Momiji from Fruits Basket. As one of many characters from the series, Momiji left his mark on me through both his bubbly personality as well as his kind and insightful character.
Site type: One Page artist tribute
Online since: July 31st, 2011
Replay is a site I never thought I'd create, since I'm not that knowledgeable about music. However, I was heavily into SHINee during this period, and instead of focusing on them as an artist, my aim was to show why I like them. As I do not keep up with K-pop much anymore, I have no plans of expanding or updating this site.
Site type: Fanlisting collective
Online since: April 28th, 2005
Although I don't have many shrines, I've built my share of fanlistings instead. They are ideal for me, because I can show my interest in a subject without having to actually write about it. Connected is where I keep all of them together.
Site type: Online Trading Card Game (TCG) collective
Online since: March 31st, 2004
My oldest site to date, Suiren is where I waste my time by collecting pretty graphics in the form of little trading cards. Its status depends on the TCGs available, but I've found myself coming back to it every now and then. I've become quite picky over the years, so I don't join as many TCGs as I did back when I first started.
Projects and ideas
I used to be adamant about keeping possible shrine subjects a secret –or at least being cryptic about them– but considering how excited I get about seeing other people's plans, I figure the same could very well be said about mine. Below are a few subjects I've pondered making a site to, and while I do not guarantee them actually being made,
I one can at least hope. (At the same time, I imagine
some people will instead bug me forever about them, you know who you are.)

Whelp, guess I couldn't help but be somewhat cryptic after all.